Turnkey electrical installations

Integral development of electrical installations for the shipbuilding sector

We take part in all project stages. From the basic engineering, reviewing work and collaborating with the technical team of the client or shipowner to fully define the project, to the setting-up of the entire installation, providing technical support for setting up equipment and technical assistance in sea trials.

In addition, our installations stock all types of electrical switchboards manufactured in our own workshops.

Electrical engineering

Design and development of approval, construction and as-built drawings.

Comprehensive project managemen
Supervision and project management with shipyards, classification societies and final shipowner.
Provision and installation of piping, wiring and equipment on ships.
Technical support
Guidance and support services in technical areas provided by specialists.
Monitoring, integration and setting up of the installation.
Communication and data networks
Installation of ICT solutions through Insprored.
Taller eléctrico versátil y certificado

En nuestras instalaciones, llevamos a cabo cualquier actividad propia de taller eléctrico, proporcionando soluciones certificadas y de alta calidad. Contamos con recursos y personal altamente cualificado para afrontar con éxito proyectos eléctricos de cualquier envergadura.

En Solem, nos comprometemos a ofrecer soluciones eficientes y certificadas en cada etapa de nuestros servicios.

Design and manufacturing of electrical switchboards
We have our own workshop, offering high quality certified solutions specialised in the design and manufacture of all types of electrical switchboards.